The integrated circuit (IC) industry is a cornerstone of modern technology, driving advances in electronics since its inception in the late 1950s. With the rapid growth of smart devices, IoT, and 5G networks, the demand for advanced ICs has surged, requiring sophisticated designs to handle higher data rates and improved power efficiency. Additionally, the rise of AI, machine learning, and autonomous vehicles has created a substantial need for high-performance and specialized ICs.


As the global push towards digital transformation accelerates, the need for cutting-edge IC solutions in industries like healthcare, automotive, and industrial automation continues to grow. This necessitates significant advancements in semiconductor technologies, including more efficient transistors and innovative materials.


To address these demands, the International Workshop on Teaching and Training Experience in Integrated Circuit Designing has been established. This workshop aims to enhance education and training in IC design, ensuring a skilled workforce capable of driving future innovations in the IC industry.





Senior Assoc. Prof. Kim Phuc Tran


Talk: Experience sharing: Integrating knowledge of Artificial Intelligence into Undergraduate and Postgraduation training program






Kim Phuc Tran is currently a Senior Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences HDR, equivalent to a UK Reader) of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the University of Lille, Graduate School MADIS-631, ENSAIT, & GEMTEX laboratory, France. He received an Engineer's degree and a Master of Engineering degree in Automated Manufacturing. He obtained a Ph.D. in Automation and Applied Informatics at the University of Nantes, and an HDR (Doctor of Science or Dr. Habil.) in Computer Science and Automation at the University of Lille, France. He has published more than 72 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and proceedings of international conferences. He edited 3 books with Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis. He is the Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, and Guest Editor for several international journals such as IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Kim Phuc Tran has supervised 12 Ph.D. students and 3 Postdocs. In addition, as the project coordinator (PI), he conducted a national project about Healthcare Systems with Federated Learning. He has been or is involved (PI, co-PI, or member) in 13 national and European projects. He is an expert and evaluator for the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW-EER), Belgium, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, ANRT (Association nationale de la recherche et de la technologie), and CY Cergy Paris University, France. He received the Award for Scientific Excellence (Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche) given by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, France for 4 years from 2021 to 2025 in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements.

From 2017 until now, he has been the Senior Scientific Advisor at Dong A University and the International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD), Danang, Vietnam where he has held the International Chair in Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include Explainable Trustworthy, and Transparent Artificial Intelligence; Ethical, and Human-centered Artificial Intelligence; Safety and Reliability of Artificial Intelligence; Statistical Computing; Intelligent Decision Support Systems; Digital Twins; and Applications of AI, Edge Computing, and Data Science in Industry 5.0.


Dr. Vu Thang NGUYEN


Talk: Experience on teaching and training IC designing major and job opportunities for students






Dr. Vu Thang NGUYEN is currently a lecturer and researcher of IC Designing major, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.



Dr. Kieu Ha PHUNG


Talk: Machine learning applications - Some case studies in research projects and in practice






Dr. Kieu Ha PHUNG is currently a lecturer and researcher of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.



Talk: Artificial Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing in Industry 5.0: Methods, Applications in Semiconductor Industry, and Challenges






Dr. Huu Du NGUYEN is currently a lecturer and researcher of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.