At the Workshop on "Counseling and psychotherapy for students after Covid-19", the signing ceremony of cooperation on counseling and mental health care for students between Dong A University and the Department of Education and Training in Quang Tri province and educational institutions in Da Nang City and Quang Nam province also took place.
Accordingly, cooperation is the coordination and connection between lecturers and students of Psychology - under the Faculty of Pedagogy of Dong A University with the Department of Education and Training of Quang Tri province, Than Dong Viet preschool system, inter-level system Sakura-Olympia (Da Nang City) and Montessori preschool system (Quang Nam) in activities of assessment, screening, education, counseling and mental health care for students, promptly helping the children improve their mental health, improve their quality of life; fostering mental health knowledge for teachers and staff in charge at units, thereby strengthening the protection and care of mental health for students. The roadmap for implementing counseling and mental health care activities for teachers, staff, and students will be conducted from May 2023.

“In Da Nang City, the School Mental Health Care program is being coordinated by Da Nang Psychiatric Hospital, lecturers, and students of Psychology at the Faculty of Education, Dong A University, and high schools in the region of Da Nang City. The program has been implemented from September 2022 to the present at 08 high schools in Da Nang City with many topics on improving school mental health for students. Currently, the program continues to be implemented until the end of 2023 according to the registration schedule of high schools.”, Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao - Rector of Dong A University, informed at the Conference.

At the same time, the educational institutions participating in the signing will also develop a roadmap to receive students from the Pedagogy faculty of Dong A University for professional internships, giving priority to recruiting students to work officially after graduation as well as giving suggestions to improve training programs, participating in career-oriented topics and annual job fairs.