Dr. Duc Phong Nguyen


Dr. Duc Phong Nguyen

Duc Phong Nguyen received his Ph.D. in Biomechanic Engineering at the University of Technology of Compiègne, Sorbonne University (France) in 2022. He received his master’s degree at Chung-Ang University (Korea) in 2018. His research related to human identification from surveillant cameras.

Up to now, Duc Phong Nguyen has published over 11 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and proceedings of international conferences. 

From 2019 until now, he has been a member as well as a researcher of International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science under Dong A University, Danang city.

Research interests:

  • Disciplines: Artificial Intelligence, Biomechanics, Mechatronics, Computer Vision
  • Skills: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Image processing, Musculoskeletal System, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Serious Game, Unity, Motion Capture

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KCBsynQAAAAJ&hl=vi&oi=ao

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Duc-Phong-Nguyen