International conference "Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the Industry 5.0" at Dong A University: Leveraging AI to shape the future in 5.0 Industrial Revolution.
On September 6, the international conference on the topic "Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0" officially took place at Dong A University.
The 4th conference was co-organized by the International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD) of Dong A University in collaboration with Gemtex laboratory, ENSAIT, Lille University, France. and HEC, Liège School of Management, University of Liege, Belgium. This is also the 8th international conference in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science organized by Dong A University in collaboration with domestic and international research institutes, universities, scientists and experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

The conference took place in a combined form of face-to-face and online at Vietnamese and international locations. Continuously on September 6, there were 2 working sessions with 10 thematic reports presented by experts from 5 countries around the world including: the United States, France, Belgium, England and Vietnam. At the same time, this conference also gathered the participation of many scholars from research institutes, universities, and students from faculties specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) in Vietnam.
The conference is an annual forum on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, expected to be a space for exchanging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific knowledge, sharing diverse aspects that shape new directions and Innovative solutions promote sustainable development. “As we enter Industry 5.0, we are witnessing a unique blend of artificial and human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been already changing the way we work, manage, and even interact with machines and technology.

An important aspect of artificial intelligence to consider in the context of Industry 5.0 is its explainability. In an increasingly complex and diverse world, understanding why and how artificial intelligence systems make decisions is an important factor in human trust and acceptance. This capability not only helps ensure transparency and ethics, but also drives continued progress in the development of artificial intelligence systems.
We not only face an opportunity, but also a responsibility to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence takes place in a positive and sustainable direction. This requires us to work together to ensure that artificial intelligence not only creates economic efficiency, but also contributes to solving global challenges, such as climate change, public health equality and social inequality.”, Dr. Do Sinh - Vice Rector of Dong A University spoke at the conference.

Under the chairmanship of leading professors in the field of AI&DS, throughout the conference were both general and in-depth analyses of the applications of explainable artificial intelligence and achievements in Industry 5.0 in production, anomaly detection, process control and health monitoring. Topics in the conference include: Intelligent clothing for online monitoring of human health and well-being. If it is put to the medical sector, New Statistical Method for Spatio-Temporal Surveillance of Infectious Diseases, Imputation techniques for data fusion and anonymization of survey data, Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Smart Healthcare System: A Federated Learning Approach, Benefits of Using Digital Twin for Online Fault Diagnosis of a Manufacturing System, AI and the Future of Work in Statistical Quality Control: Insights from a First Attempt to Augmenting ChatGPT with an SQC Knowledge Base (ChatSQC), etc.
Also within the framework of the program, a discussion session on the topic "Industrial Revolution 5.0: Opportunities and challenges" took place on the same morning and attracted more than 100 lecturers and students majoring in the Engineering and Technology sector of Dong A University attended in person and online. From the analysis of the context, opportunities and challenges of the 5.0 Industrial Revolution through an expert perspective, Senior Associate Professor. Kim Phuc Tran- Senior lecturer, a researcher at Lille University, Graduate School MADIS-631, ENSAIT & GEMTEX, France also shared a lot with students majoring in Data Science at Dong A University about the application potential and diverse development directions that the exciting field of AI&DS brings not only with technology but also in education, security, law, health,...

<Nguyen Thi Luc>