On December 21, the International Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science of Dong A University (IAD) coordinated with the Da Nang Investment Promotion Agency - IPA Da Nang to organize an international workshop topic "Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Applications in the Integrated Circuit, Manufacturing and Healthcare Industries".
This is also the 9th international event in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science co-organized by Dong A University with research institutes, universities, organizations, scientists and domestic and international experts.

The workshop took place in both live and online formats in Vietnam and international locations. Of these, 10 thematic reports were presented by experts from 7 countries around the world: the United States, France, Belgium, England, Germany, China and Vietnam. Among them, 7 out of 10 attending speakers are members of the International Chair in DS and XAI such as Senior Assoc Prof. Kim Phuc Tran who is the Head of the International Chair; Prof. Hongmei He and Prof. Cedric Heuchenne are senior members of the Chair, the other 4 are permanent members.
Under the chairmanship of leading professors in the field of AI&DS, throughout the conference were both general and in-depth analyzes of the applications of responsible artificial intelligence in three areas of the integrated circuit industry, manufacturing, and health care; thereby discussing and making recommendations and policy proposals to guide the development of AI in the new era.