On the morning of September 6, 2023, a discussion on "Industrial Revolution 5.0: Opportunities and Challenges" took place at Dong A University.
The discussion on the 5.0 Industrial Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges took place on the morning of September 6, 2023 at Dong A University, Da Nang and attracted more than 100 lecturers and students from Engineering. – Technology majors from Dong A University attended directly. The event gathered a lot of enthusiasm and expertise, making the discussion a memorable day with many new thoughts about the future of technology, AI and DS.

The discussion was opened by Assoc. Prof. Kim Phuc Tran- Senior Lecturer at Lille University, Graduate School MADIS-631, ENSAIT & GEMTEX in France, who shared his in-depth understanding of Industrial Revolution 5.0 through his perspective as a leading expert. In his presentation, Assoc. Prof. Kim Phuc Tran introduced the context, opportunities, and challenges of the 5.0 Industrial Revolution and how the field of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (AI&DS) can contribute to change the future.

According to Assoc. Prof. Kim Phuc Tran, the field of AI&DS not only plays an important role in technology development but also affects many aspects of life such as education, security, law, healthcare, and many other aspects of life. He clearly stated the application potential and diverse development directions of AI&DS, and emphasized the important role of AI & DS at Dong A University in training and preparing future generations.

Also in the discussion, Dr. Nguyen Huu Du - Lecturer at Hanoi University of Science and Technology also shared his experience in scientific research and teaching applied mathematics in the 5.0 era curriculum.

The Discussion on the 5.0 Industrial Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges at Dong A University created a valuable space for discussion and knowledge exchange. This event helped open an overview of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and its impact on our lives. We need to focus on taking advantage of opportunities and facing challenges intelligently to ensure a future of growth and prosperity.
<Nguyen Thi Luc>