On the morning of September 29, the signing ceremony of an MOU between AEON Vietnam and Dong A University along with Universities and Colleges in Da Nang city took place at Muong Thanh Luxury Song Han Hotel.
AEON Vietnam is known as one of the largest retail businesses in Vietnam. With the goal of promoting AEON's development in the Vietnamese market and supporting Vietnam in training and developing human resources, the signing ceremony between AEON and Dong A University gives the school's students additional opportunities. employment opportunities, practical experiences, exchange and learning activities and contribute to the development of the local community.
The signing ceremony took place with the participation and witness of representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, representatives of the Da Nang City People's Committee, representatives of agencies and departments of Da Nang City, representatives of AEON Vietnam company and representatives of leaders of Universities and Colleges in Da Nang city.
On the side of Dong A University, Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh - Vice Principal of the School attended and signed a cooperation document with AEON Vietnam. In addition, there were a large number of students from all majors present and witnessing this solemn ceremony.

Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh - Vice Rector of Dong A University (right corner) signed a cooperation document with AEON Vietnam
According to the cooperation memorandum, AEON Vietnam will accompany internship programs for Dong A University students. In addition, businesses will coordinate with schools to organize seminars and seminars on career experiences and necessary skills for students to be able to work in the retail business field.
After witnessing the signing ceremony, Dong A University students also participated in a Talkshow about "AEON Future Leader Program 2024". This is a recruitment and training program for future Management team for AEON Vietnam in the Central market. At the talkshow, students were specifically introduced to the criteria - how to apply, recruitment rounds, roadmap - development opportunities... with interesting information about AEON's business operations from the speaker who is a Senior Manager of AEON Vietnam. Through the Talkshow, AEON Vietnam also answered students' questions related to job opportunities, skills in the working environment, career development and career orientation.

A large number of Dong A University students and students from other schools in Da Nang City attended the MOU signing ceremony and met businesses.
It is known that AEON Vietnam will organize a Talkshow to share knowledge about the Retail industry and the Retail Market in Vietnam exclusively for school students on the morning of October 2 at Dong A University.
For Vietnamese version, please access: https://donga.edu.vn/viec-lam-dau-ra/ct-hop-tac/dai-hoc-dong-aaeon-viet-nam-ky-ket-hop-tac-phat-trien-nguon-nhan-luc-32448
<Nguyen Thi Luc>