On September 22, Dong A University and Hoi An South Development Company Limited (Hoiana Resort) officially signed a cooperation agreement on training, career guidance and recruitment of students from Dong A University majors.
The cooperation agreement is the basis for Hoiana and Dong A University to coordinate in organizing seminars, career orientation, internship programs and career placements at Hoiana for students majoring in Tourism and Languages in the period 2023 - 2025.

Along with the roadmap for accepting students for professional internships each year at the unit, there is a priority for official recruitment after graduation. In particular, in 2023, a job program will be launched for students majoring in Languages and Tourism at East Asia University in Hoiana with the need to recruit 200-300 employees. The following years are expected to increase the number of employees needed to be recruited up to 400-500 people per year.
Hoiana also gives priority to local students with excellent academic records for the resort's Management Trainee Training programs. In addition, international students sent from Dong A University's connections with international partners will be accepted to intern at the enterprise's departments.
At the signing ceremony, Hoiana also set aside a scholarship fund of up to 50 million VND to award 10 scholarships (each worth 5 million VND) to Quang Nam students who overcome difficult circumstances and strive to achieve success. Excellent study and training results are studying at Dong A University.
After the signing, more than 50 students of the Language and Tourism majors of Dong A University had a chance to visit actual work positions at Hoiana and hear sharing and career orientation in the field of tourism from head of departments of Hoiana.

Previously, the 2023 Annual Job Fair of Dong A University held right before the Graduation Ceremony attracted more than 50 businesses to sign cooperation agreements and interview to recruit students with 2,511 vacancies. More than 3,000 times registered and participated in direct application. It is known that, along with more than 300 domestic business partners, the model of cooperation in training, internship and working programs between the school and international partners, typically Japan, is highly appreciated on the effectiveness in developing professional and career skills for students of all majors. It is expected that each year, Dong A University will send 300-500 students to Japan to practice and work in all fields.
Source: https://donga.edu.vn/viec-lam-dau-ra/ct-hop-tac/dai-hoc-dong-a-va-hoiana-hop-tac-phat-trien-nguon-nhan-luc-dia-phuong-32389
<Nguyen Thi Luc>