Dr. Quoc Thong Nguyen
Quoc Thong Nguyen, PhD, is a member of the International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD), Dong A University, simultaneously, he is now working for ISAT, Institut Supérieur de l'Automobile & des Transports, France.
Quoc Thong Nguyen received his PhD at University Lille 1, France on Statistical modeling, applied statistics in 2015. From 2015 to January 2020, he was a post-doctoral fellow at laboratory LMBA, Université Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France. From January 2020 to December 2021, he was a researcher at GEMTEX Laboratory, ENSAIT, Roubaix, France & Univ. Liège, Belgium.
Up to now, he has been publishing over 30 publications on international journals, book chapters and proceedings of international conferences.
Research Interests:
- Explainable Trustworthy, and Transparent Artificial Intelligence: Self-Supervised Learning, Anomaly Detection, Federated Learning, Federated Reinforcement Learning.
- Statistical Computing: Statistical Process Monitoring, Advanced Control Charts, Quality Control, Interpreting out-of-control signals using Machine Learning.
- Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Embedding domain knowledge for Machine Learning, Supply Chain Optimization, Demand Forecasting, Cybersecurity for industrial control systems, Fault Detection and Diagnostics, Natural Language Processing for Fashion Trends Detection.
- Applications of AI and Data Science in Industry 5.0: Digital Transition and AI, Smart Healthcare, Smart Manufacturing, Workplace Safety Wearables, Reliability Engineering, AI-aided Knowledge Discovery.
- Documents and printer forensics: Microprinting, Source Printer Identification, Document Authentication, Statistical Image Processing, Statistical Detection Theory.
- Operational Research: Vehicle Routing Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Last Mile Delivery, Autonomous Delivery Vehicle, Cost Simulation.
* Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Quoc-Thong-Nguyen
* Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=y7axbBkAAAAJ&hl=vi