The 2nd International conference on Data Science in Business, Finance, and Industry (DSBFI 2023) attracted great attention from media!!
The 2nd International conference on Data Science in Business, Finance, and Industry (DSBFI 2023) taken place during 3 days from Jan 8 to Jan 10, 2023 finished successfully in Da Nang city, Vietnam. It was co-organized by Dong A University (UDA) and International Society of Science and Aplied Technologies (ISSAT).
With the theme of Data Science applied to important areas for social development, the conference has attracted great attention from many domestic and international research scholars as well as local media. More than 50 scholars from The USA, France, Belgium, China, Taiwan, South Korea, etc. came to present and share their researches. There was a total of 39 papers in 7 sessions presented at the DSBFI 2023.
The news was reported on VTC1 channel, DaNang TV1 channel, and on:

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Dong A University (UDA) and the International Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD) are honored to accompany the conference.