With the signing ceremony on July 4, Dong A University became the first university in Vietnam to cooperate with the People legal foundation on training programs and recruiting students to work in Korea.
With the signing ceremony on July 4, Dong A University became the first university in Vietnam to cooperate with the People's legal fund on training programs and recruiting students to work in Korea.
Participating in the signing ceremony at Dong A University this time were leaders of the People's Legal Foundation, leaders of administrative law firms, leading professors and a number of businesses in Korea.

Mr. Luong Minh Sam - Chairman of the Council of Dong A University delivered the opening speech.
At the opening of the program, Mr. Luong Minh Sam - Chairman of the Council of Dong A University expressed his pleasure to welcome the Korean delegation to have visited and worked at the school. He also hopes that through this cooperation, the two sides will jointly organize many effective activities for students with the desire to study and work in Korea.
After listening and following the information of Dong A University, Mr. Jung Yuseok - Director of the People Legal Fund also expressed his satisfaction about the common points in the operation goals of the two sides. He shared: “Currently, Korea is lacking a large human resource and we are looking for excellent students in Central Vietnam. We have worked with many Korean language schools in Vietnam and Dong A University is the first university we signed. Hopefully this program between ourr fund and the school will become a successful cooperation model.”

Mr. Jung Yuseok - Director of People Legal Fund (Korea) spoke at the signing ceremony with Dong A University.
According to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) agreed between the two sides, People Legal Fund and Dong A University will jointly organize educational and counseling programs on Korean language, culture and customs. The People Foundation will directly provide textbooks, educational content and advice about Korea to students.
After the signing, the Korean delegation also had exchanges and surveys about the needs of students to study and work abroad as well as the current joint programs that Dong A University is implementing. From there, grasp the actual situation to organize effective activities for students.
It is known that People & Dream provides support services for Vietnamese international students during their stay in Korea such as study abroad counseling, job placement. This is also the sponsor of "Korean Speech Contest 2023" in Dong A university. Accordingly, at the Vietnam-Korea Cultural Exchange Festival, the school honored the best contestants in the final round of the contest and awarded a total prize of more than 1 million won (20 million VND) from the People & Dream Fund.
<Nguyen Thi Luc>