The Hybrid Webinar Artificial Intelligence & Data Science in Industry 4.0, 14 July 2022 was organized at Dong A University, Da Nang
It can be said that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science are becoming increasingly important in our lives today. They are indispensable factors to create the industrial revolution 4.0. Among a large number of AI and DS methods, Statistics and Machine learning techniques have proven efficient in characterizing, interpreting, and analyzing data that have been applied in many fields such as telecommunication, cyber security, health care, manufacturing, and finance. The use of these techniques has brought many great benefits to meet the increasing requirements in the fourth industrial revolution. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole world's activities have shifted to online activities. In the International Hybrid Webinar “Artificial Intelligence & Data Science in Industry 4.0”, experts from the International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD) - Dong A University, University of Lille, University of Liège, and University of Florida, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, and Tarbes National School of Engineering (ENIT), etc… will present various state-of-the art methods based on statistics and machine learning approach, focusing on the applications in different industries like health care, anomaly detection, process control and monitoring in industry.
We would like to share with you the proceedings of The Hybrid Webinar Artificial Intelligence & Data Science in Industry 4.0
Download the proceedings pdf here or click on the image