Congratulations Dr. Huu Du Nguyen and et al. for their article was achieved TOP 25 Most Cited Articles for the International Journal of Information Management (ELSEVIER) in 2021
Today, IAD received a good news from The International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), ELSEVIER about the article of the Director of IAD - Dr. Huu Du Nguyen and et al. is certificated and became one of 25 most cited articles in 2021.
We would like to share a brief information of their paper.
The title: Forecasting and Anomaly Detection approaches using LSTM and LSTM Autoencoder techniques with the applications in supply chain management
Author: Huu. D.Nguyena,b, K.P.Tranb , S.Thomasseyb, M.Hamadc
aInternational Institute Research for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
bENSAIT, GEMTEX - Laboratoire de Génie et Matériaux Textiles, Lille, F-59000, France
cCEO Driven, 54 Rue Norbert Segard, Hem, 59510, France
On: International Journal of Information Management, Volume 57, April 2021, 102282
The parper was achieved TOP 25 Most Cited Articles for International Journal of Information Management (ELSEVIER) in 2021.
The International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), ELSEVIER has the rank:
- Q1
- IF 14.098
- Ranking (Scimago Journal & Country Rank, 2021):
- 20/1753: Computer Science –TOP 1.1%
- 7/239: Artificial Intelligence – TOP 2.9%

Figure 1. The certification Top 25 Most cited articles of International Journal of Information Management

Figure 2. The presenter of the Journal sent an email for congratulations with attatchment the certification
More detailed information about the International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), ELSEVIER:

Figure 3. The journal has IF: 14.098 and CiteScore: 18.1 in 2021

Figure 4. Based on SCIMAGO ranking 2021, IJIM is ranked 20/1753 - Top 1.1% in Computer Science

Figure 5. Based on SCIMAGO ranking 2021, IJIM is ranked 7/239 - Top 2.9% in Artificial Intelligence
- The history of ELSEVIER:

Figure 6. ELSEVIER publisher was founded in Holland, 1880 with "Trusted for over 140 years"

Figure 7. More than 99% of the Nobel Laureates in science have published in Elsevier journals since 2000
Warmest congratulations on Dr. Huu Du Nguyen's achievement!

Figure 8. Dr. Huu Du Nguyen - Director of the International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD)
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