Welcome Assoc. Prof Guillaume Tartare to participate in International Chair and IAD!

Dr. Guillaume Tartare is currently an Assoc. Prof in Automation and Industrial Computing at ENSAIT and the GEMTEX laboratory. He attends the International Chair of DS and XAI as a Member and IAD as a Visiting researcher.

Assoc. Prof. Guillaume Tartare

IAD is delighted to welcome Assoc. Prof Guillaume Tartare to participate in the Internation Chair of Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence and IAD. In the Chair, he takes responsibility of a Member and he is also a Visiting researcher at IAD, UDA.

Guillaume Tartare is currently an Associate Professor in Automation and Industrial Computing at ENSAIT and the GEMTEX laboratory. Originally, from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) with a thesis in medical decision support, he has good experience in the medical field.

Research interests:

  • decision support systems in e-textiles for health,
  • combining morphologies analysis and supervised or unsupervised detection and classification methods,
  • deep learning,
  • neural networks.

Assoc. Prof. Guillaume Tartare contribution to the Chair and other Chair members will gain new studies about Explainable Artificial Intelligence applications in intelligent wearable systems, manufacturing, and healthcare areas. His studies and studies at IAD perfectly align to reach Industry 5.0 in the future. 

IAD would like to share more information about Assoc. Prof. Guillaume Tartare at: 

Research gatehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guillaume-Tartare