Mr. Himansu Beniwal is a PhD. Student in and Prime Minister’s Research Fellow (PMRF) in the Computer Science and Engineering discipline at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gujarat, India. He attends the International Chair of DS and XAI as a Member.

PhD. Student. Himansu Beniwal
IAD is delighted to welcome PhD. Student. Himanshu Beniwal to participate in the Internation Chair of Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. In the Chair, he takes responsibility of a Member.
Himanshu Beniwal is a Ph.D. Student and Prime Minister's Research Fellow (PMRF) in the Computer Science and Engineering discipline at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India. He completed his Master's degree at the Central University of Punjab in the year 2021, and achieved the distinction of receiving a Gold medal. Additionally, he attained the first rank in his Bachelor's degree program at Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (a Central University) in 2019.
Research interests:
- Natural Language Processing: Robust and interprete NLP, Secure NLP, Model-Editing and Conversation Ai.
- Machine learning: Adversarial Attacks, Poisoning Attacks, Data and Embedding Poisoning Attacks.
PhD. Student. Himanshu Beniwal's contribution to the Chair and other Chair members will gain new studies about Explainable Artificial Intelligence applications in intelligent wearable systems, manufacturing, and healthcare areas. His studies as a member of International Chair of DS and XAI perfectly align to reach Industry 5.0 in the future.
IAD would like to share more information about PhD. Student. Himanshu Beniwal at
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