Introduction: International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD), formerly the Division of Artificial Intelligence, was formed in January 2017 by Dong A University, Da Nang City, Vietnam with founding members: Kim Phuc TRAN, Cédric HEUCHENNE, Phuong Hanh TRAN, and Thi Hien NGUYEN. In December 2017, the division was developed and renamed to the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD). In June 2021, IAD was renamed to its current name - International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD), for suitable development orientation.

Mission: The primary mission of the IAD is to enhance the existing methods and develop new methods in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We apply research outcomes in solving real challenges and provide technical support to implement applications for partners.

Vision: IAD is the focal point for AI and DS research, consultation services and transferring technology to partners in areas including smart manufacturing, health care and business and finance in Viet Nam and around the world. The primary strategy is to create high-quality products from research findings and strengthen collaborative partnerships. Possessing hardworking and brilliant minds with an active global network of researchers, IAD promises to produce AI & DS products that address partners’ requirements in four key areas.  

 Research topics:

  1. Embedded Artificial Intelligence
  2. Artificial Intelligence in Smart Manufacturing
  3. Artificial Intelligence in Smart Healthcare
  4. Responsible Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Applications
  5. Pharmaceutical Research (Drug development)


Conduct basic and applied research, develop technologies and solutions, train and develop human resources, collaborate and make recommendations to governments and organizations, and promote the adoption of artificial intelligence and data science into four main research areas, to be able to become the leading research institute in Vietnam and Southeast Asia in the field of AI & Data Science.


  • Conducting research related to AI and DS area
  • Publishing and disseminating the research findings in national and international journals and scientific conferences
  • Providing techniques and support for implementing research projects at Dong A University 
  • Undertake advanced research projects on AI & DS mainly through external grants
  • Developing a service network for consultation and evaluation of AI research or application
  • Developing the AI & DS training program at Dong A University
  • Organizing annual AI & DS conferences, seminars and webinars 
  • Develop and maintain an official website of the IAD to enhance collaboration and information exchange among partners
  • Host workshop: International webinar “Artificial Intelligence and Data Science with Applications” on November 18, 2021. 
  • Hybrid Webinar "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Industry 4.0" on July 14, 2022
  • Co-organization "Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry" on January 8 - 10, 2023