On May 17, Dong A University received a certificate of merit from the People's Committee of Da Nang City for excellent units in activities of science, technology and innovation start-ups.
On the afternoon of May 17, the City People's Committee held a Commendation Ceremony in activities of science, technology and innovation start-ups in 2023. Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen attended and presented awards.
At the program, Dong A University was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Chairman of the City People's Committee for outstanding achievements in startup and innovation activities in 2022. Mr. Luong Minh Sam - Chairman of the Council of Dong A University attended and received a certificate of merit in the category for 9 excellent teams.

Presented at the ceremony, Dr. Nguyen Huu Du, a member from International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IAD) under Dong A University, was also one of the awarded authors in science and technology activities. His honor is due to his paper being certified by The International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), ELSEVIER and becoming one of the 25 most cited articles in 2021. Specifically as follows:
Article title: Forecasting and Anomaly Detection approaches using LSTM and LSTM Autoencoder techniques with the applications in supply chain management
Author: Huu. D.Nguyena,b, K.P.Tranb , S.Thomasseyb, M.Hamadc
aInternational Institute Research for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
bENSAIT, GEMTEX - Laboratoire de Génie et Matériaux Textiles, Lille, F-59000, France
cCEO Driven, 54 Rue Norbert Segard, Hem, 59510, France
On: International Journal of Information Management, Volume 57, April 2021, 102282

Dr. Nguyen Huu Du - IAD's member
Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen congratulated the team of intellectuals, scientists, creators and individuals working in the field of science and technology on the occasion of Vietnam Science and Technology Day (May 18).
According to Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen, most of the authors and groups of authors who have been rewarded are young in age and are working at universities and colleges; having made many contributions to the city's innovative start-up activities such as: media, organizing events on innovative start-ups to build and spread the spirit and culture of entrepreneurship in the social community; incubating innovative projects and start-ups; developing typical technology products; attracting investors, solve job needs for society.

Mrs. Ngo Thi Kim Yen - Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee
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